Saturday, October 04, 2008

Taggy tagged!

I was tagged loooong back .. but felt like doing it only today.

So here goes.................

1. Last movie seen in a theatre:

21 -- all about blackjack and mon-eigh! i love mo-neighhhh!

2. What book are you reading?:
50 companies that changed the world - damn ..i had to return it to the library today :|

3. Favourite board game:
chinese checkers and monopoly - i told u .. i love mo-neigh!

4. Favourite magazine:
that's easy .. Reader's Digest

5. Favourite smells:
I like aromas! not smells!

6. Favourite sound: the thump in hip hop music

7. Worst feeling in the world:
to know that he/she is never coming back (and no .. its not all about boyfriends or girlfriends)

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
need sleep :(

9. Favourite fast food place:
Mommy's Kitchen .. she cooks up soooper fast!! and soooooper tasty!

10. Future child’s name:
I think I will just call the kid "specimen A" .. and then when the kid's 16, will let him/her choose what he/she wants .. how's that?

11. Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…” :
Travel. Read. Eat. Write. Photograph.

12. Do you drive fast?
Mum thinks yes, dad says m too slow .. i think m just fine people!

13. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

14. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
i dont eat broccoli.

15. Storms - Cool or Scary?

16. If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice?
streaks of blue, then purple, then burgundy .. and when i have no excitement in life, I shall get some shocking pink too.

17. Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:
Delhi, Gurgaon, Nasik, Indore, Pune, Mysore

18. Favourite sports to watch:
figure skating, skate boarding.

19. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you:
Pragmatic...... wayyyyyyyy tooooooooo pragmatic.

20. What’s under your bed?
nothing .. i think there's a folding bed tho.

21. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Yes indeed! Just wid a different course to take in life.

22. Morning person or night owl?
me be an Afternoon person! Afternoon people rule!

23. Over easy or sunny side up?
sunny side up.

24. Favorite place to relax:
my room

25. Favorite ice cream flavor:
Chocolate. But I would like to maintain that I like every flavor ice cream!

26. You pass this tag to –
whoever is willing to take it.

27. Among people you tag, who do you think is going to respond the fastest?
let's see!



Abhi said...

Indore?! When?

Btw, welcome back to blogging! :)

Michelle said...

interesting facts about urself :) u still in pune?

RT .. hXc?LqD said...

@ag: looooong back
and thanks

@michelle: yep .. still here! what abt u?
and i thot nobody visits my page anymore!

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