Friday, January 19, 2007

Hatred, UnInterrupted .....

I just hate everything and everyone around me right now .. truly,madly,deeply!! I am weary, tired and injured from mind, body and soul alike.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!! * pulling out my hair *

What I want at the moment is to run away to some place where no one knows me!!And just wander aimlessly in the lesser known parts of the town .. with maybe an occasional passer-by giving me a much wanted smile .. a really nice one at that .. coz I've got too much life running through my veins, going to waste.

Why can't everything go my way for min. 24 hrs??

Like if I have to pick up one out of the toner and the cleanser (in bottles that look alike) why will the toner come into my hand BEFORE the cleanser even though it is to be used AFTER?? WHY??

And why cant people just take one stand??Why do they have to always divert u to some other person saying "Whatever he/she says"?? WHY??

And why do people have to be insanely sarcastic about everything??and why do people have to display their "gadget-ical" knowledge when actually they should realize you are just not interested in what they're saying, esp.when u know more than them on that particular subject and dont give a shit about whether they own it or not!!

And why do people suggest that you go in for a new (read 'shit expensive') piece of crap when you are doing just fine with what you have?? They will never get it themselves but scorn at you if you appear satisfied with what you have!! What hypocrites!! yucks!

Why do people want to subject you to constant bantering??

And why do lectures have to take place??and why does everywhere you wanna go have to be so over-crowded??and the friggin traffic on the roads, the damn public transport, the maniacs flocking the streets at rush hour .....

And the damn NeoWORX premium trial expiring today .. that means losing a lot of important information!!why cant I be their 1 millionth customer and they may just let it continue forever??

Why do things close to my heart have to remain unfinished?? 
Why does it feel like what you ever wanted in your life will never materialize??
Sometimes, why cant you do things that you really really want to?? 
Why does a certain phobia grip you when you are thinking about extremely important decisions of your life??
And why are you sometimes being pulled in 22 different directions while your heart wants to follow the 23rd one??

What hellish cruelty!! A burning inferno!!
And the damn blogger is also giving problems!!

And NO, I don't hate the way my life is turning out. But it could certainly have turned out a wee bit better had certain events (that were totally uncalled for) not taken place!! But there's a hole in my soul, you can see it in my face.

Phew .. signing off for the day. I still hate most of the things around me. But in words of Scarlett O'Hara : "Tomorrow is another day ....."


FifthBeatle said...

hey, i just have to ask.. what's with the weird blogger id? is it just a random combination of characters?

i'm guessing "RT" are your initials?

RT .. hXc?LqD said...

lolz .. yup .. "RT"=my initials
hxc?lqd not=random combination of characters

au contraire, hxc?lqd=hardcoreliquid

if u're a bit more observant you will even find my name :)

Bhisham said...

Ok...I know this puts me in the loony toonz bracket as well...but I had to ask this...wouldn't it be better if it was hardkaurliquid instead of hardcoreliquid :P :P

Anonymous said...

errrmmm ....uhhh...well wats with DAT blog of urs tandon!!??i mean since wen have YOU become a cynic!!baffles moi..not gud not gud..just get back to being a bitch yaar..i need company!lets not hate others..let others hate us..;)

hardkaurliquid instead of hardcoreliquid

was FUNNY!!!

RT .. hXc?LqD said...

@bhisham : NO!! It certainly wouldn't u loony toon!! :P:P
me not a kaur :P

RT .. hXc?LqD said...

@gayatri: hardkaurliquid aint funny!! dat woman has twisted MY self-adopted nick to her advantage which has actually been MY property ever since the yr.'98!!!!!and i hate her music!! :x

and no me is nots the interesteds in beings the biyatches!!
but i assure u of my company at the beaches ;) any wild plans u got woman?? ;) :P

Anonymous said...

damn u made me sad...*sniff sniff*
oh btw i m sure uve taken notice of the fact dat i am being realllly sweet to u dez days.. :)

ahh abt wild plans..its all abt who bells the cat...i m sure u knw wat i mean...risky situation..planning to pack up the maal from here n go.... ;)..but again..not quite sure!

RT .. hXc?LqD said...

hahha .. its k mate .. dont risk your neck .. of course i know what u mean ;) .. and wild doesn't always mean THAT!! :P

ohh and rest assured ur sweetness is not going unnoticed .. that's y u find me not retorting back these days .. m sure u've noticed that too :P

btw, are u also suffering frm writer's block these days??

Anonymous said...


yes..nuttins getting me motivated the story still stands wer it always did!!!