Thursday, October 23, 2008


why is no one commenting on my new comic strip?? :(
people are no longer reading my blog!! :( readers o readers! where art thou??
Arnoldo! No one understands Cyanide like we do! :(
To hell with the majority! We love Cyanide :D

PS: yes yes .. i will do your Cyanide ideas too!! not "do them" but doodle them :P alrighty Arnoldo? :P


Abhi said...

I read your blog.

FifthBeatle said...

I have no idea who this "Arnoldo" character is, but I'm with you!

RT .. hXc?LqD said...

thank you, you two! :)
now i can go forth and revive this blog since i know people are reading.
Anyone up for more Cyanide?
damn! he's totally got me!!